V_851 Idegen nyelvi képzések - záró teszt
Érdi Szakképzési Centrum, angol B2 Érd
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1. When ________ ?
1 point
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2. He didn’t speak English, ______ it was difficult for him to understand what was going on.
1 point
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3. I’m very tired. _______
1 point
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4. They are _____ to Brazil tomorrow.
1 point
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5. I have never ______ Indian food.
1 point
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6. Robert's from New York, _______
1 point
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7. She doesn’t have any brothers or sisters – she is an __________.
1 point
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8. You don’t _____________  to come for me after the concert.
1 point
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9. We arrived ____ Dublin very late.
1 point
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10. They stayed ____ a really nice hotel near the beach.
1 point
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11. This sweater is made _____  the softest wool.
1 point
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12. It’s not too late so we can have another glass ____ wine.
1 point
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13. Last month when I was there, a lot of things ______ on.
1 point
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14. A person who changes his job ______ is not respected by employers.
1 point
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15. I thought it ______ easy to get to the conference.
1 point
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16. ___________ exciting meeting it was!
1 point
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17. Elephants __________ in Africa for ivory.
1 point
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18. Banknotes have become _______________ than some decades ago.
1 point
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19. The detective wanted __________ on everything that had happened.
1 point
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20. Yesterday afternoon I _____ her mail when she ______ my room.
1 point
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21. It is ten years _______ to work here.
1 point
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22. I asked him what ______.
1 point
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23. I was _____ hungry that I ate six hamburgers.
1 point
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24. She got married _____ a rich businessman.
1 point
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25. She lived in Mallorca _____ two months.
1 point
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26. Last year she married _______ a Russian dancer.
1 point
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27. I don’t like tea: can I have ______?
1 point
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28. He is ______ the UK.
1 point
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29. I didn’t see _______ strange when I went into the room.
1 point
Clear selection
30. Good luck for this test! I ______ you will all pass.
1 point
Clear selection
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