Saturday August 24th & Sunday August 25th 2024
12 pm to 5 pm
Windcreek Casino Outlets
77 Windcreek Blvd.
Bethlehem, PA 18015
You can choose one day or both!
We are looking for a variety of vendors who offer anything sports related, can be trading cards, memorabilia, clothing etc.
To become a vendor:
~Fill out the form below.
~Send pictures of what you will be selling to in the subject line please note Windcreek Mothers Day Event.
~Once you are accepted as a vendor you will receive an invoice through Square to pay for your space at the show.
~Invoices are typically sent within 24 hours of registering and submitting your photos.
~Once you pay the invoice you will be listed as a confirmed vendor for the show.
~Once payment is submitted there are no refunds for any reason, and you will be listed below as a confirmed vendor.
~We will limit the number of vendors selling the same items. So, spaces are on a first to pay basis.
~If multiple people with the same items/company register for the same date the first to pay will receive the confirmed space.
~The outlet center will not allow any type of CBD vendors to be a part of the event.
Set up details:
~Set up begins at 10:30 AM.
~When arriving please bring in your table to mark your space.
~Vendors will be placed upstairs and downstairs. If there is an event in the event center most vendors will be upstairs. If not we can have many downstairs.
~Spaces are 8' x 4'.
~You can choose to have more than one space if you need more space.
~You MUST supply your own tables and chairs.
~Tablecloths MUST go to the floor on all sides.
~Anything not on display MUST be under the table or in your car.
~The show will start at 11 am.
~All vendors are to be checked in no later than 9:30 or your space may be forfeited.
~The event ends at 5 pm. All vendors are asked to stay until the end. Please clean up your space taking all trash with you.
~All vendors will receive an email the week of the event going over all of the event details.
~Electric is not available.
~Parking is next to the outlet center.
~The outlets will be doing a variety of advertising.
~Events By Jennifer Lynn & Company LLC. will advertise many places as well.
If the event is cancelled for due to a government shutdown, a pandemic, natural disaster, bad weather etc. reasons that are out of our control the vendor would receive a credit in the amount they paid for the event. The credit can be used on the reschedule date if there is one or on any other event hosted by Events By Jennifer Lynn & Company.
Confirmed Vendors: