Happy Hour Fund Grant Application: Washington, DC
Happy Hour Fund is a grassroots mutual aid fund providing financial assistance and necessities to excluded workers in Los Angeles County and the Washington metropolitan area whose lives have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.100% of fund proceeds go to excluded workers.

The information we collect helps us understand which populations we are serving and helps us effectively disperse funds.

Applicants must meet the following requirements to receive funding:
- Applicants must live or work in Los Angeles County or in the Washington metropolitan area (District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland);
- Applicants must be an excluded worker, meaning: an individual who cannot access unemployment insurance, pandemic unemployment assistance, stimulus checks, healthcare, sick pay, hazard pay, pensions, or other social support systems; and is an individual working in the service sector, which includes the retail, food service, warehousing, transportation, sanitation, beauty, hospitality, domestic industries, or the informal sector (those who do not have a formal employer or employee contract), which includes domestic workers, street vendors, homeworkers, sex workers, etc.; and
- Applicants must NOT have received funding in the last three months.

Please submit one application per household. Only one member of each household needs to meet the above requirements. Households may submit a request for funds every three months (90 days). All requests are guaranteed a response within ten days.

All forms will be handled confidentially. We will not release any information regarding the candidate's name or other identifying information without the explicit consent of the candidate.

For any questions, please email happyhourfund@gmail.com in English or Spanish.

Happy Hour Fund Grant Application: Washington, DC (Spanish/Español) –https://forms.gle/doyxoScCsQbeMNBK9
Happy Hour Fund Grant Application: Los Angeles (English/Inglés) — https://forms.gle/vvAoBnKdPYXqV4S5A
Happy Hour Fund Grant Application: Los Angeles (Spanish/Español) — https://forms.gle/CxN4BAia39KUH6Tb6
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Personal Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address (We require an email address or phone number to send you money. Please write N/A if you do not wish to share your email address.) *
Phone Number (We require an email address or phone number to send you money. Please write N/A if you do not wish to share your phone number.) *
Has anyone else from your household applied? If yes, what is their name? If no, type in "N/A." *
Do you live or work in the Washington metropolitan area (District of Columbia, Maryland, or Virginia metropolitan areas)? (Check all that apply.) *
Zip Code *
Age *
Race *
Immigration Status *
Gender *
Do you identify as queer or LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual)? *
Are you a single parent or guardian? *
How many dependents do you have? (Dependents are people you financially support.) *
Do you identify as having a disability or being disabled? (such as but not limited to: mental disabilities, physical disabilities, hearing disabilities, visual disabilities, etc.) *
What is your housing situation? *
What is your education level? *
Employment Information
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your employment status? Check all that apply. *
In which of the following industries do you work? Check all that apply. *
Does your job pay $15/hour or more? For tipped workers, refer to your hourly wages (before tips). *
If you are still working, are you receiving hazard pay? *
Does or did your job require you to use paid sick time for COVID-related absences? *
Are you eligible for unemployment insurance (UI) or pandemic unemployment assistance (PUA)? *
Are you currently receiving unemployment insurance (UI) or pandemic unemployment assistance (PUA)? *
Do you have health insurance? *
Fund Allocation
The following questions are for data-collection purposes only and will NOT affect your ability to receive the Happy Hour Fund grant. We will potentially share your answers on social media anonymously. If you do NOT wish to respond to any of the below questions, please write N/A.
You need funds for: *
How would you like to receive funds? Due to COVID-19, we are not distributing cash payments. *
What is the username of your account that we can use to send funds? *
How has COVID-19 impacted your life? How is this money going to help you? *
If you are still working, how has the pandemic has affected your working conditions? *
Would you like to be added to an email newsletter to receive information on Happy Hour Fund events and updates? *
How did you hear about us? *
Please share any additional information that would help us understand your request. Thank you and we look forward to contacting you within ten days. *
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