LOGOS 2020-2021 Survey
LOGOS leaders met this week to figure out how we can make this upcoming LOGOS year both engaging and safe for everyone. We are considering a phased-in approach with phase 1 being all virtual and phase 2 being a mix of in-person and virtual. There is currently no timeline for when we would move from phase 1 to phase 2. It depends on a lot of different factors including what schools decide to do for the Fall and how it goes transitioning to in-person worship. Even when we meet in the building, it will look very different from previous years. Please take a look at some ideas we've come up with for the different phases: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jmecTchbrcI0RP5ekkXvfqawjhrch_jaQ6gwns94RP0/edit?usp=sharing. Then, answer the questions below based on what you know now. We acknowledge that your responses are just one moment in time and your opinions could change as the situation with COVID-19 evolves.
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Email *
Name *
Your kid's ages and the grade they will be entering (n/a if not applicable) *
Would you be comfortable meeting in person for LOGOS this Fall (with social distancing precautions in place following AACPS guidelines)? *
What changes to in-person LOGOS would make you more comfortable attending? *
We know most kids are tired on zoom. How can we make virtual LOGOS more engaging for your kids? What do you think about the ideas in phase 1 of the google doc? *
Any suggestions for incorporating bible study, participation in worship, and recreation into our virtual curriculum? *
LOGOS was created to build and nurture inter-generational relationships within our Christian community. How can we continue to foster these relationships during the pandemic? *
If LOGOS is virtual, does your family plan on attending?
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Is there a theme or bible story you'd like to explore this year in LOGOS? *
Any other feedback, concerns, or suggestions you'd like to mention? *
Is there anything your kids/teens would like us to know? (n/a if not applicable)
Would you like to help us in planning and implementing LOGOS for this year? *
Would you like to volunteer this fall with our LOGOS program?
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