Volunteer Form
Please complete this form and if you have any questions please reach out by email to us at  info@yousaved.me
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Age *
Address *
Phone Number
Gender *
Are You a Veteran? *
I am interested in volunteering for the following types of Volunteer employment opportunities to help serve: *
Which day(s) of the week are you available? *
Which location(s) do you prefer? *
 What makes you a good fit for this Volunteer position? *
 Can you describe your previous volunteer experience? *
 Describe a time when you resolved a disagreement. What did you learn? *
Can you describe why you would like to work for You Saved Me Foundation? *
Do you have any questions related to the organization or this Volunteer position? *
Emergency Contact: *
How did you hear about our organization? *
All of our forms and services are online. The best way to stay up to date and help continue our programs will be to Follow us on our social media. You can choose either or all by following us to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube! This will always ensure you stay up to date on the latest Events and Programs! You can follow the links below or from our website by clicking on the social media icons in the footer of each page. Please Follow so we can help our neighbors live healthier, less stressful lives. Check all that apply below. *
Captionless Image
As a volunteer of You Saved Me Foundation, I agree to abide by the policies and procedures. I understand that I will be volunteering at my own risk and that the organization, its employees and affiliates, cannot assume any responsibility for any liability for any accidents, injury, or health problem which may arise from any volunteer work I perform for the ou Saved Me Foundation. I agree that all the work I do is on a volunteer basis and I am not eligible to receive any monetary payment or reward. By typing my name below I agree to the above text.                                 Signature: _________________________________________                       Date: _______________ *
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