June 2023 Summer Camp Registration Form
Register below for all June 2023 Summer Camps! All camps will take place at Bettie Jane's Center of Dance Art: 6408 Mount Phillip Rd. Frederick, MD 21703. Please note: if we don't reach the minimum number of students needed, that particular camp will be cancelled and your money will be refunded. Thank you!
Email *
Dancer's Name *
What age is the participating dancer? *
Which camps are you signing up for? *
Any food allergies or dietary restrictions? *
This mainly pertains to the 4-6 camps where snack is provided, but feel free to answer if you feel it's important for us to know!
Were you referred by a friend to register? *
Part of our summer camps may be filmed for social media/marketing purposes. Please let us know below whether or not you prefer to appear on camera or not. *
Method of Payment *
Captionless Image
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