IQAC Survey for NAAC Peer Team Visit
All fields are mandatory, fill with consideration.
Netfang *
Name: *
Date of Birth: *
Designation: *
Contact Number: *
Email: *
Date of Joining: *
Pay Band & Pay Scale: *
Nature of Recruitment: *
Name of Department/ Section *
Head of the Department Name: *
Language Skills: *
Nature of Work (Title) : *
Work Description: (100 words) *
Weekly Workload (in hours) *
Work Hours (AM - PM) *
Additional Responsibilities (If any) *
Department/ Section Location in Campus *
Date of last promotion:
Promotion due since (if applicable):
Date of retirement: (Tentative)
Number of staff working under you: *
Name & Contact Number of the staff working under you: *
Are you familiar with IQAC & NAAC *
Have you attended any IQAC workshop / orientation program? *
Have you filled in the APAR form? *
Have  you submitted your PPT to IQAC? *
Have you created your official email ID  *
Your official email ID
Any Grievances? *
Suggestions for IQAC (If any): *
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