MBNA Member Contact Update
Please update all the fields below that apply
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Name of MBNA Condominium or Hotel Member: *
Property Type: *
Address of Condo or Hotel MBNA Member: *
Number of Units: *
Full Name of Condominium/Hotel "Representative":
Please list the name of the person designated by the Condominium Board or Hotel property owners to be  Representative for this Condominium or Hotel. Each Member shall have one vote. The vote of each Member shall be cast by its designated representative (the “Representative”) or,  in his or her absence, by an alternate representative (the “Alternate”).

MBNA Representative's Email Address:
Title of MBNA Representative: *
MBNA Representative's Cell Phone Number:
Full Name of Member "Alternate": 
A Member Association shall appoint an Alternate to serve only in the absence of the Representative. The Alternate shall attend Board Meetings and shall be authorized to cast a vote on behalf of his or her member Association.  The Alternate can be the property Manager, Office Manager, Board Member,  etc.  This person will also receive MBNA communications and is encouraged to attend MBNA meetings and forward relevant information to their stakeholders.
Alternate Title:
Alternate Email:
Alternate Cell Phone Number:
Full Name of Property Manager *
This is a very importan contact.  Please tell us who your main point of contact is for billing, urgent communications ect.  We know that contacts often change at our member properties. This contact should be the person best positioned to communicate urgent matters.
Tile of Property Manager or Designee
Email Address of Property Manager *
Phone Number of Property Manager *
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