Work From Home Experiment
Firstly, thank you so much for volunteering and welcome. We’re so curious about what we can learn from this rather strange situation we’ve found ourselves in, and seemingly you are too!  

To kick things off, we'd like you to share a few details of your current WFH situation and how you've been adapting so far.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Which age range do you fit into?
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What industry do you work in?
What is your current work location and is it different from usual?
What is your usual work location?
Thinking about your personality, which describes you best?
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Which of the following best describes your household?
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How many days a week are you used to working from home?
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How would you describe your level of comfort with working from home?
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What's happened for you over the past few weeks and how have you found the transition?
We're curious. By signing up, what are you hoping to get out of this experiment?
You're receiving this message because you recently signed up to the Fluxx "world's biggest work from home" experiment.
We take your privacy seriously and your data will be managed in accordance with our standard Privacy Policy ( If you feel you have received this email in error, or wish to stop participating in the experiment at any stage please email and let us know.  
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