INSPIRE: Innovation for Social Entrepreneurship Project
INSPIRE Survey for Potential Social Entrepreneurs:

Thank you for your participation in the survey organized as a needs analysis for the training materials to be developed by the project partners in the field of Social Entrepreneurship within the scope of the Inspire project (2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000034853).

If you have an idea for an entrepreneurship or if you have started a new entrepreneurship and would like to participate in the pilot training that will be held at the mentors threshold within the scope of Inspire to improve your business idea, please state it in section "General Information".

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Level of Education
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Do you have an immigrant background?
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Country of Residence
Are you interested in social entrepreneurship? If yes, can you explain why
What  kind of activity do you have in mind and why?
Have you had any kind of training  in relation to entrepreneurship? If yes, which kind of training did you have? How long did it last? What was your impression, what did think was missing from the training?
Did you have work experience? If yes, in which sector do you have experience in? How long did it last?
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