2024-25 Wyoming State Literacy Association  Membership Form

Please look for an email from us with a certificate of membership and other important resources!
Thank you for your input and improving literacy in Wyoming!

The information you provide for membership is confidential and will only be used for future preparations and planning purposes. You will receive a membership renewal email in a year. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last Name *
Physical Address *
Town, State, Zip Code *
Phone Number: Cell *
Email- one that you can be reached all year round*
WSLA has the following committees. What are your strengths and which committee could you assist with one hour a month? *
Position/Grade Level/Content/District or other Profession
The Young Authors Competition is looking to increase the number of districts participating in Young Authors, so we need building coordinators, judges, and event organizers for 2024 . Would you be willing to assist? *
Wyoming currently has 2 local chapters: Casper and Laramie County. In order to expand the State Organization, the WSLA would like to assist members to  start and maintain their own community/local chapters throughout Wyoming. Would you be interested in being a literacy leader in the community that you are currently living in? We can email you resources. 
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You can pay the annual dues here: https://pay.wyomingliteracy.org or mail a check to: Diana Wedl, 6335 Emily Drive, Cheyenne 82009. *We will email you on your yearly renewal month. 

Wyoming State Literacy Association-$25 

Casper Literacy Council  (Natrona County residents only)- $10

Laramie County Literacy Council ( Laramie County residents only)-$10

Wyoming State Literacy Association + Casper Literacy Council-$35

Wyoming State Literacy Association + Laramie County Literacy Council-$35

If you would like to join the International Literacy Association, please visit this link. 

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