ESPR Survey on the use of Dual-Energy/Spectral CT in children
The principle of dual-energy/spectral CT is to differentiate and quantify material composition dates back to the dawn of CT. However just in the last two decades commercial dual-energy/spectral CT scanners became more easily available. Nowadays, dual energy/spectral CT scanners are frequently used in adults for a series of specific indications. On the other hand, knowledge about the use of dual-energy/spectral CT scanner in children is more limited. Aim of this survey is to assess among ESPR members the availability of dual-energy/spectral CT scanners, the most frequent indications for their use in children and the impact of these systems on their radiologic practice. 
The survey is based on a questionnaire. Answering this questionnaire will not take you more than 10 minutes. If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact our corresponding office:

We highly appreciate your participation and looking forward to your answer.
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In your department do you perform spectral CT examinations in children with a dual energy CT scanner?          
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