I’m starting my music journey. And I’d like to create songs that impact people in the best possible way - I intend to make songs that inspire, empower & facilitate healing & transformations.
Although I have some ideas about what I’d like to bring forward in regards to music, sound & lyrics..
I still would like to find out which songs you like & why.

I’d appreciate it a lot if you help me by filling out this questionnaire ❤️

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

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Your name:
Your favourite song number 1: *
What do you love about this song? Please choose all options that apply and specify in the next question. *
Please elaborate following the previous question: *
Your favourite song number 2: *
What do you love about this song? Please choose all options that apply and specify in the next question. *
Please elaborate following the previous question: *
Your favourite song number 3: *
What do you love about this song? Please choose all options that apply and specify in the next question. *
Please elaborate following the previous question: *
Your favourite song number 4:
What do you love about this song? Please choose all options that apply and specify in the next question.
Please elaborate following the previous question:
Your favourite song number 5:
What do you love about this song? Please choose all options that apply and specify in the next question.
Please elaborate following the previous question:
Please respond to this question if you’d like to share more songs with me, follow the questions above:
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