THV Hedgehog Application Form
Please write as much info as you know about how you plan to care for your hedgehog.
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Full Name *
Are you over 18 years old? If no, please let your parents write the application form. *
Email *
Cellphone Number *
Full Address with Postal Code *
What type of hedgehog are you interested in purchasing?
Why do you think a hedgehog would make a good pet for you? Be thorough please. *
Have you owned a hedgehog before? If yes, please tell us how many you have, the genders and your experiences. *
Are you looking for a family pet, breeder, classroom pet or show quality animal? *
Do you have children? If so what are their ages? *
Do you ever plan on breeding your hedgehog? *
What type of cage/housing do you plan to use for your hedgehog? (please provide specific links). *
What room will the hedgehog be kept in at your house? *
What type of bedding material do you plan to use? (wood shavings, paper bedding, fleece, etc) *
What items will you place in your hedgehog cage? *
What types/brands of food will you feed your hedgehog? *
How do you plan to keep your hedgehog warm? *
What is the room temperature in C or F where the cage would be at? *
What is the humidity % where the cage would be at? *
How do you anticipate cleaning the cage? *
How do you plan on ensuring your hedgehog gets enough exercise? *
How do you expect to interact with your hedgehog? *
How many hours per day would you be handling/socializing with your hedgehog? *
Are you comfortable in trimming hedgie's nails and bathing him/her? *
Do you own any other pets or are you planning on getting any other pets in the near future? *
If so do you plan on letting pets interact with each other? *
Please provide the name and number of the veterinarian you plan on using. *
How did you hear about us? *
If you have any questions or comments, please include them here. Thank you.
Hedgehog Ville offers cage setups that are both complete and competitive with retail prices. It includes a cage, igloo, wheel, water bottle, food dish, bedding, etc.  Are you interested in purchasing this? *
Have you read our policies? If no, you will have to re-submit a new application form after reading the policy page in full. *
By typing your NAME in this section, you are attesting that you are OVER the age of 18 and that the information entered in this application is true and accurate. *
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