UCSD Women in Computing Girl's Day Out - Participant Application
Thank you for your interest in participating in UCSD Women in Computing's Girl's Day Out! This is a chance for high school girls in the San Diego area interested in computer science to network with current students, meet UCSD faculty, attend workshops, tour labs, and more. We will be accepting 50 high school girls of all levels of experience to participate in this event.

Girl's Day Out will take place on Saturday, May 13th, 2017 from 9:30 am - 2:30 pm at the University of California, San Diego campus. Since we cannot guarantee there are enough openings for everyone due to limited space, please wait to hear back from us via email whether you have been selected to participate. Free lunch will be provided, however there will be no transportation to and from the event.

Sign-ups close Thursday, May 11th at 12 pm. PLEASE PRINT AND SIGN THIS WAIVER or you will not be able to participate in the event!:

WAIVER: https://tinyurl.com/GDO2017WaiverForm
DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS: https://tinyurl.com/GDO2017DrivingInst
FLYER: https://tinyurl.com/GDO2017Flyer

Please email wic.ucsd@gmail.com for any further questions. Thank you for your interest!
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High School *
What class are you in? *
Any food allergies/concerns? *
What are some of your interests in Computer Science? *
What is your level of programming experience? *
Have you participated in any past Girl's Day Out events?
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Do you understand that if you do not print and sign the waiver linked at the top of the page, you will not be able to participate in the event?
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