Mexted Motors Spring into Tawa 2024 Food Truck Application Form

This form is for food trucks.  If you are a general stallholder or a food stall, please complete the Stallholder Application form - located here:    

Before you complete this form, ensure that you have read the Stallholder Information page. 

By submitting your application form, you agree to the terms and conditions.

Once you submit this form, you will receive an auto-generated response containing a copy of the information you have provided.  If you do not receive this email, it's possibly due to an error in your email address provided.  If you do not receive an auto-response with the information that you have submitted, or any information that you have provided needs to be corrected, please email us at  

It is very important that the information you provide is accurate as we allocate spaces based on the information provided.  Once you have been offered a space based on the description of products and services provided on this form, there may be little scope to accept changes to what you offer at your stall.

If the form won't submit, its likely you've not completed one of the required fields.  Please ensure you've completed all the required fields in the form.
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Email *
Food Truck Name *
Ensure that you enter your name accurately and as you would like it to appear in the stallholders list.
Stall Type *
As a food truck, you will be required to bring at least 30m of tested and tagged cables.  Please confirm that you agree to this and note that if you don't have tested and tagged cables, you will not be able to connect to event power.
Contact Name *
This is the main contact person for your food truck, and the person that organisers will liaise with about your application or your food truck if needed.  Ideally, this person will be at the event on the day.
Contact Phone *
This number must be a cellphone number and should be the number we use to contact you on the day of the event if needed.
Food Truck Size *
Please provide the dimensions of your food truck, including towing arm if this is fixed.  Provide width, depth and length (including tow bars/hooks etc - the total length of your truck/trailer).
Cables - TYPE of cables *
Detail the type of cable plug you will use - Caravan, 3 Pin or other.  If "Other" please detail.
Cables - LENGTH of cables *
Detail the metres in length of cable that you will have. Note a minimum of 20m of cables is required and they must have a current electrical test tag.
Description of the food and/or drink you are selling *
Explain in as much detail as possible the food and/or drink that you are selling.  The more detail that you can provide the better as it will enable us to better consider your application.
Where is the food prepared? *
Describe where the food will be prepared? The Wellington City Council requires us to be aware of where all food being sold at the event is prepared. Name or describe the premises where your food will be prepared.
Food Storage and Transportation *
Describe where the food will be stored prior to the event and how the food will be transported to the event (e.g. in a refrigerator, in ice boxes or insulated containers)?
Food Preparation at the event *
Describe what food preparation will be done in the truck/trailer at the event.
Mexted Motors Spring into Tawa 2024 is trying to reduce the amount of waste we generate at the event.  You are required to only use approved, locally compostable packaging.  Please describe how your packaging meets these requirements. *
Will you be bringing a food thermometer to the event *
Cooking Equipment that will be used on site *
Please list the cooking equipment that will be used in food preparation on site at the event.
Do you hold a Food Safety Certificate? *
If you have a Food Safety Certificate, please enter the Council you are registered with and the number on the certificate.  
Please note, you will be required to provide organisers with a copy of this Certificate if requested.
Are you on a Food Control Plan? *
Preferred Food Truck Entry Time *
Stallholders will be able to enter and set up their stall between 7am - 9am.  We appreciate that some stallholders need more time than others to set up.  Please indicate your preferred entry time and we will try our best to allocate you a stall based on your preference.
Are you a prior stallholder?
How did you hear about Mexted Motors Spring into Tawa?
Please share the link to your website, Facebook page, Instagram, or other social media app so that we can promote your food truck.
If you do not have this or would prefer for it not to be shared, please write N/A.
Terms and Conditions *
By submitting this form, you are confirming that you accept the terms and conditions set out by the organisers in the Food Truck Terms and Conditions.  Please ensure that you read these before submitting your application. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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