Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC) - 2019 Global Status Report
Thank you for taking time to help us improve the annual GlobalABC Global Status Report!
This questionnaire provides you with an opportunity to highlight your work by submitting case studies and making us aware of any updates and additions regarding building codes, building certifications, Nationally Determined Contributions, etc.

Your input is highly valued and essential to make our common GSR as comprehensive and inclusive as possible. Nevertheless, kindly note that this year’s GSR will be a lighter online version and for space reasons, we cannot guarantee inclusion of all input in the 2019 GSR. We will however do our best to store your contributions with the aim of featuring your case studies on our websites.
To make responding as easy as possible, we have included different tracks depending on whether respondents represent a national/local government, a private sector entity, an NGO, etc.
Questions with a red asterisk are essential, however most questions are voluntary.
Queries can be sent to and If you prefer using an offline form, please let us know by contacting us via these email addresses.

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