Partner Registration: Youth Climate Innovation Bootcamp

Partner Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Youth Climate Innovation Bootcamp! This is a pro bono partnership opportunity to empower young change makers as they tackle climate challenges through innovation. Your expertise and time will play a vital role in shaping their journey, and we deeply value your contribution.

We invite organizations and groups to support the program in the following ways:

  • Speakers
    Share your insights and inspire participants through workshops or keynote sessions.

  • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
    Lead technical or thematic sessions on climate, innovation, or related topics.

  • Judges
    Serve as a Demo Day judge, evaluating projects and providing constructive feedback.

  • Mentors
    Offer guidance and mentorship to teams as they develop their ideas for Demo Day.

  • Multipliers:
    Help spread the word about the Bootcamp to others who may be interested.

If you have any questions, please feel free to write to us at

* The form is DGSVO / GDPR compliant.

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Email *
Name of Organization *
Contact Person *
Email Address *
How would you like to partner with us?  *
 Which program phase will you join: February Preview/Info session or March-April bootcamp? *
Thank you for completing the form, we will contact you soon. Know more about the Youth Climate Innovation Bootcamp here. 
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