Rescue Angels Adoption Application
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Adopter's General Information
Cat's name(s)
Your name
Full Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Property / Household Information
Type of residence
Do you own or rent?
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How long have you lived at this address
How many people live in your household?
Occupation(s) of adopter(s):
Age(s) of adopter(s):
Ages of Children in household:
Is everyone in the household interested in having a new animal in the home?
Does anyone in your home suffer from allergies to cats or other animals?
Pet Information
Why do you want a cat?
Who is this pet for?
Pet will be kept:
Clear selection
Explain indoors & outdoors:
What arrangements would you make for your pet if you were away for 2-3 days or away for over a week or more?
On work days, how many hours would your pet be home alone?
Pet Ownership History
Do you presently have pets?
*If yes, are they cat friendly?
*If yes, what kind of pets, how many and ages of pets?
Have you had pets in the past?
*If yes, explain what happened to them
What issues have you had during past experiences with animals that have caused you difficulty?
Did you have any of your past pets altered (spayed / neutered)?
*If no, how many litters of puppies or kittens have they had?
Have you ever given up a pet?
*If yes, where did the pet go?
Caring for Your Pet
Are you aware of the basic requirements for the care of a cat? Please specify:
What cat behaviour is unacceptable to you?
How would you react if your cat did something you find unacceptable?
What food would you feed your cat?
Brand(s) of food:
Will you declaw your cat?
If you are looking to adopt a kitten(s), have you dealt with kittens before?
How would you kitten proof your home?
How much have you budgeted MONTHLY for this cat's general AND veterinary care?
Considering, like people, pets sometimes have medical emergencies; will you be able to meet an unexpected expense that may arise?
Briefly, in your own words, explain what makes a "Responsible Pet Owner"
What provision would you make, in the event you are no longer able to care for your pet?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Veterinarian Information
Vet Clinic Name #1
Vet Phone
Name of pet(s)
Client Name on File
Vet Clinic Name #2
Vet Phone
Name of pet(s)
Client Name on File
As a reference, please ensure that you notify your clinic(s) to give permission to speak with Rescue Angels
Additional Information
How did you hear about us?
*Store location / Referral name / Others
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