Meditation: Developing Your Practice - Quiz
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What is Meditation? *
5 points
What is meant by “a pot without a stand is easy to tip over” shared by Gotama Buddha? *
5 points
Gotama Buddha taught us ____________ positions to meditate. *
5 points
You do not need a meditation Teacher to learn meditation. You can learn it on your own. *
5 points
A Teacher who has attained Enlightenment will be most beneficial for you to learn these Teachings. *
5 points
You should perform meditation exactly the same way as your Teacher and all their students. *
5 points
What are the positions for meditation? *
5 points
Breathing Mindfulness Meditation helps you to eliminate craving by training the mind to “cut off thoughts” during meditation, thus, removing the poison of “Craving” or “Greed” while developing the skill of mindfulness. *
5 points
What is the goal of Breathing Mindfulness Meditation? *
5 points
During Breathing Mindfulness Meditation, the breath is ____________. *
5 points
Loving-kindness Meditation helps us to eliminate anger, hatred, ill will, hostility, aggression, resentment and cultivate a mind that has loving-kindness or goodwill towards all beings, thus, removing the poison of “anger”, “hatred” or “ill will”. *
5 points
There is only one (1) "right way" to do Loving-kindness Meditation. *
5 points
Meditation to eliminate sexual cravings is not possible. *
5 points
Meditation to realize "non-self" should be done first and without the guidance of Teachers. *
5 points
Gotama Buddha meditated  ___________________. *
5 points
You will notice the most benefits when you develop your practice to 2-3 sessions per day with thirty (30) minutes or more per session. You will need to build up to this gradually to develop your meditation practice. *
5 points
You need to time all your meditation sessions and when you get to 1-hour a day, you should tell everyone how good you are doing so they can be proud of you. *
5 points
If the mind experiences sleepiness or a tendency to fall asleep, the mind may need rest and, therefore, you should rest the mind to ensure there is sufficient sleep. *
5 points
You need to meditate with music, apps, or videos so they can help you to train the mind. *
5 points
You should only need three (3) things to perform meditation: ___________________. *
5 points
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