2024 Olvera Street Performer Application

Please submit the following application if you or your group is interested in performing at one or all of the following events:

1) Olvera Street Muertos Artwalk, on Saturday, October 5, 2024
2) Day of the Dead Festival, Saturday & Sunday, October 26 & 27 AND Friday & Saturday, November 1 & 2, 2024

The applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Once your application is reviewed, you will receive a schedule with available times for performances. 

Because we are non-profit, we are unable to provide payment for performances.  However, we will advertise your group on our event website & social media.  You will also have the opportunity to talk about your group on the day of the event. 
Returning Groups must also fill out the form, and will be given priority, but are NOT guaranteed a spot. Performances with a Day of the Dead Theme will also be given priority.

****Applicants will be notified by September 5, 2024****

If you have any questions, please contact osmaf.info@gmail.com.

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Email *
Performer/Group Name *
Primary Contact: First and Last Name *
Website or Social Media *
Best Contact Phone *
Please tell us where you have performed in the past, and provide a description of what your performance includes (music, style, message, etc): *
Approximately how many people are in your group/performance? *
How much time do you need for your performance? *
Will you require a changing area for your performers? *
We are interested in performing on the following dates (check all that apply) *
If application is approved, I understand and agree to the following: *
Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
Event will take place rain or shine.
Content of performance is family-friendly and appropriate for all ages.
This is a volunteer event and there is no payment offered for performing.
Performers will arrive at least 30 minutes prior to performance.
Failure to agree to any of these terms will result in removal from the event and will not be invited to return.
We will review applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Thank you for your interest in our event. If you have questions, please email osmaf.info@gmail.com with the subject: 2024 Performers.
Please initial here to agree to the statement above. *
Thank you!
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