Taft School Tour 2024 Sign-Up
The school campus tour will be a presentation of all special programs.  It is scheduled for 9 AM followed by classroom visitations.  If you are interested specifically in the Gifted STEAM Magnet Program, please sign up for a separate Magnet tour at the link:  https://bit.ly/TaftMagnetTours2024
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Email *
Parent / Guardian #1 Name (Last, First) *
Parent / Guardian #1 Email Address (Tour date confirmation will be sent to this email address) *
Parent / Guardian #1 Contact Number *
Parent / Guardian #2 Name (Last, First)
Parent / Guardian #2 Email Address
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Student's Current Grade Level *
Student's Current School of Attendance *
Which best describes the current school of attendance? *
Please check one that applies. *
Please select one campus tour to be held in-person at 9 AM.  (One virtual tour will be presented on October 1 at 6 PM) *
Please indicate the total number of guests attending the tour.  *
Please check any programs you are interested in, if any. *
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