Disciples Ukrainian Welcome Interest
Please sign up below to indicate your interest in sponsoring Ukrainian OR other refugees in your area! Please contact Rev. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries at: sstanley@dhm.disciples.org or 202-957-7826 for further information about how your congregation can engage with refugees in your area!  Designate to support Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries, a ministry of Disciples Home Missions, at: https://bit.ly/RIMDonate.  Find more resources to assist Ukrainian refugees on RIM's website at: http://bit.ly/DisciplesRIM.
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Congregation Name *
City/State of Congregation and Home *
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In which Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are you located, if applicable? (Note: where not otherwise mentioned, regions include the whole of states.) If not applicable, choose "NA". *
I (and/or my congregation) wish to learn more about how to help in the following way/s:
Can you provide a Prayer, Poem, Song, or Image to share love for Ukraine, and hopes for peace in the region? (If so, please email to: sstanley@dhm.disciples.org for sharing with DOC congregations ahead of May 24, the three month anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine.)
Do you have further questions with which Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries can assist you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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