Mutual Aid & Community Advocacy Workshop Series
Poverty Awareness & Community Action will be presenting a free online workshop series on Mutual Aid & Community Advocacy on Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:30 p.m. from October 15 - December 10, 2020. The workshop series will provide an overview of the concepts of mutual aid and community advocacy and build some of the knowledge and skills needed to support each other as a community and to successfully advocate for yourself or on behalf of someone else.

The purpose of this survey is to gather community input on the workshop series. We will be prioritizing input from members of the Spence neighbourhood. This form will close on Wed, Oct 14 at 12 p.m.

The Mutual Aid & Community Advocacy workshop series is funded by the Community Incentives grant, which is administered by the Spence Neighbourhood Association and supported by Neighbourhoods Alive!

If you are interested in registering for the workshop series, please visit: Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the form.
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Who are you? (check all that apply) *
Mutual Aid (Oct 15 - 29)
The first three workshops of the series will focus on mutual aid.

Thu Oct 15 and Oct 22: What is mutual aid? History, principles, types, and examples

Thu Oct 29: Starting a mutual aid group: Resources and considerations, including self-care and boundaries

Mutual aid is a reciprocal exchange of resources and services for the mutual benefit of communities and their members. It builds and relies on the interdependence of social relationships so that all of us are able to survive and thrive. Mutual aid is about protecting and taking care of each other. In addition to meeting immediate needs, mutual aid is also about transforming the conditions that we live in. We consider mutual aid to be a form of harm reduction, community organizing, and political participation in which people take responsibility for caring for one another and changing political institutions -- not just through symbolic acts or putting pressure on their representatives in government but by bringing people together, creating new, long-lasting social relationships, and building the capacity of the community.
Are there any particular mutual aid concepts, resources, or examples that you would like us to cover during the mutual aid workshops?
Do you think mutual aid is an interesting or useful topic for a community workshop? *
Community Advocacy (Nov 5 - Dec 10)

The next six workshops of the series will focus on community advocacy.

Thu Nov 5: What is community advocacy? Definitions and principles

Thu Nov 12: De-escalation and crisis response

Nov 19 - Dec 10: To be determined from survey results
The second community advocacy workshop will focus on de-escalation and crisis response. In what situations do you think you will most likely be using these skills? *
The last four workshops will be more practical in nature, where we will focus on particular rights and services and related community advocate roles and resources. We will try to schedule the four workshops identified as having highest priority by the community. *
Please rank the priority of the following workshops.
Civic Rights & Police Interactions
Life after CERB: EI, CRB, CRSB, CRCB
EIA: What we should all know
Applying for EIA for Persons with Disabilities
Tenant Rights
Challenging an eviction
CFS: What we should all know
Patient Rights
Disability Rights: Disclosure and accommodations
Workers' Rights
Is there another community advocacy workshop that you think would be important at this time?
Thank you!

Workshop Registration

If you want to attend the Mutual Aid & Community Advocacy workshop series, please make sure that you register on the Community Engaged Learning website. The workshop series will run on Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:30 p.m. on Zoom.

Here's the link for the workshop registration: Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the form. You can also follow us on Facebook:

Thank you for giving input on the workshop series! Please make sure to click submit.
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