Green Harvest Ventures -  Farmer's Application Form
Thank you for your interest in partnering with Green Harvest Ventures. Please complete the following form to apply for agricultural funding and participation in our profit-sharing program.
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Full Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number
Where is the location of the farm? *
Farm Size (in hectares or Heaps) *
How long have you been a farmer? *
Type of Crops You Intend to Cultivate *
What is the Maturity Period for this Crop(s) (in months)? *
Is the Farm Safe? (i.e. crops on the farm are protected from thieves): *
Amount of Funding Requested? (NGN)


Use of Funds:

[Provide a breakdown of how the funds will be utilized in your project]
What % of the profit are you willing to share with GHV Investors ? *

Project Plan:

Brief Overview of Your Agricultural Project:[Provide a brief description of your project, including the type of crops, cultivation methods, and expected outcomes]

Experience in Agriculture:

[Describe your experience in agriculture, including any relevant training or certifications]


Environmental and Sustainability Practices:

[Outline any environmental or sustainability practices you plan to implement in your project]


Challenges and Mitigation Strategies:

[Highlight any potential challenges in your project and the strategies you plan to implement to mitigate them]



I hereby apply for agricultural funding from Green Harvest Ventures. I confirm that the information provided in this application form is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

I also understand and agree that the Green Harvest Ventures' farm manager will be solely responsible for disbursement of fund, procurement of materials and services.



[Your Full Name and Date]

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