Prisoner of War Opt-In Mod Form
Submit this form if you want your character to have been taken as a Prisoner of War during the downtime between last game (March) and this game (April 2023). CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY APRIL 12TH 2023. You are not guaranteed to be on this mod from filling out this form, there are limited spots available.
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Электронная почта *
What is your REAL first and last name? *
What is your character's full name? *
This plotline is going to potentially involve the following, and is very intense in nature. Please carefully consider before signing up for this mod.
-Chains/being loosely tied up
-Realistic (pretend) violence/torture
-Fake blood

Safety mechanics and check-ins are incredibly important and will be used extensively for this plotline, please be sure to review them in the rulebook.
How, and or why, you think your character was captured by Exiled Forces?
Do you (the player) out of game consent to your character to be Grehloked if the opportunity arises? *
In case the opportunity arises, think now if being Grehloked would be fun for you as the player. In game, Grehloking does not require consent (but it does require consent on an out of game level). So your character could TOTALLY not want to be Grehloked, but begin thinking about if that would be fun for you as the player in case the opportunity arises on site.
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