Fall 2019 OK-FIRE Workshop Registration
OK-FIRE is pleased to announce its fall schedule of training.  Workshops will consist of 6 hours of training (with an hour break for lunch) from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  They will be led by Dr. J. D. Carlson, OSU fire meteorologist and OK-FIRE program manager, and consist of a combination of presentations and lab exercises in which attendees will get hands-on experience with the OK-FIRE website.  Attendees will need to bring their own laptop computers or tablets.  Since space is limited for these workshops, only those who work directly (or indirectly) with wildland fire (wildfire and/or prescribed fire) should attend. There is no charge for the workshop.
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The OK-FIRE workshop I wish to attend *
There will be four workshops held at different locations around Oklahoma on separate dates. All workshops will have the same content. You can only select one to attend. Please note that the registration deadline for each workshop is the Friday before the workshop date.
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