Expression of Interest - Diamond League Trials 2025
Trials for the Kissing Point and Turramurra United joint Diamond League program will be held on the 19th and 26th October at Abbotsleigh. It is recommended that interested players attend both trials. The specific times are 2pm-3.30pm for G12s and 3.30pm to 5pm for G14 & G16s.
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Email *
Player Name *
Contact Details of Parent *
Date of Birth *
Age Group *
Can you attend both trial dates? *
Preferred Positions (max 2) *
Would you like to be included in the Goal Keeper trials? *
If selected for a Diamond League team are you available to attend the Proctor Park Challenge in Bathurst (15/16 Feb)? *
Which club were you registered with in 2024? *
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