Speaker Sign-Up Form
Wanna do a 5 mintue talk at Bonus Stage? 
Sign up below! 
Your talk could be about anything but here are some examples:
  • Your hunt for the best iced coffee 
  • Top 5 puzzle games of all time 
  • 5 Reasons you should be using Blender 
  • Why I will never go back to Unity 
  • If we all lived on the moon, what would our games look like?
....you get the idea, it's all in good fun. Just don't forget to work in the theme for the month if you can.

We will be picking 2 people per event to do 1 five minute talk each. If you are selected we will send you a confirmation email at least 1 week before the event.
If you don't get to speak this month don't worry, there is always next time!
*speakers are chosen on a first come first serve basis*
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and last name *
What month would you like to speak? *
The theme is more of a suggestion, if you would like to speak for a certain month but don't have any ideas on theme that is totally fine.
Short description of your talk idea *
Other than email, what is the best way to contact you?
social links if you wish 
We usually tag speakers in pictures after the event, if you would like to be tagged please list your Twitter and/or Instagram. If you don't want to be tagged leave this blank or let us know. 
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