Black-Owned Shop Feature
Please fill this form out in its entirety if you'd like to be featured! :) If you have any questions, please email 
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Email *
Your Name
Shop/Business Name *
LINK to your website *
When did you start your business?
Describe your business in one sentence.
Which items would you like me to feature?
LINK to first featured item
LINK to second featured item
LINK to third featured item
Tell me about your business (at least 200 words - longer is better).
Do you give me permission to use images from your social media, website, etc to create your feature post? *
Anything else I should know? *
Do you have a coupon code for our readers to use when they shop with us? If not, feel free to make one! THEMADMOMMY is the coupon code most shops use. This can help you track sales, even with as little as 10% off. (If not, just put NA.) *
Do any of these apply to you? *
Would you like to learn more about growing your business? (Yes opts you in to my emails teaching you how to increase your revenue.) *
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