Exhibition Application Form
Thank you for considering to exhibit in our exhibition space. Hin Bus Depot is a non-for-profit organisation and space rental is what sustains the community. We are always looking for artists to work with and are especially keen in exhibition proposals that come with supporting programmes such as workshop, artist sharing, screening, etc. To apply for an exhibition at Hin Bus Depot, please fill out the form below and submit your proposal according to Hin Bus Depot Exhibition Application Info Kit.
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Name of Applicant *
Email address *
Contact number *
E.g. 6012 345 6789.
Exhibition brief *
Artwork medium *
E.g. painting, sculpture, installation, performance, video, prints, etc.
Preferred exhibition dates *
Please include alternative preferred dates and duration for consideration.
Artist(s) bio *
Provide a short paragraph of bio for each participating artists.
List down collaborators/partners/sponsors and their roles in this exhibition *
Tick the following items if you are planning on incorporating them into the exhibition. *
You may tick more than 1 item.
Terms *
Would you like to join the mailing list with the above email address? *
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