Informational Intake Form
Thank you for you interest in public relations services.

The purpose of the Informational Intake Form is to understand areas of need and goals. Please provide as much information as possible, our initial scope of understanding relies on the information that is provided. Once the form is complete, you will be contacted within 3-5 business days to schedule a complimentary 1-hour consultation.

All information that is disclosed in the Informational Intake Form is confidential and shall strictly be kept between the disclosing and the ACSA PR service provider (Lee Andrews Group). For more information, please visit
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Email *
Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Please provide a direct line or cell phone number where we can reach you.
Position *
School/District name
Client Questionnaire 
What is the concern/issue/purpose of consultation? (Select all that apply)  *
Please provide a brief explanation of the support you need.
Who are the target audiences? (Select all that apply)
What strategies have been used in the past to address this issue? Describe the strategies taken and their efficiency. *
 List "N/A" if not applicable. 
What are the primary obstacles that require immediate attention and resolution? *
 List "N/A" if not applicable. 
What is your desired outcome? *
Is there anything else you'd like to share with us? 
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