Module #2 - Survey #3 What Does it Look Like? Group Discussion
Every participant in your small group should have this open and be using it as a notetaking tool during your discussion. Everyone submits their own survey.
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Please Select the Resources You Engaged with for this discussion. *
Please list the names of your group members *
Using Examples from the resources in Task #3, record any and all initial ideas you plan on sharing with the group. Everyone should do this for a couple minutes before you share ideas. *
After hearing initial ideas and observations from your peers, everyone should take a minute to record something they heard from someone else. *
How do you think the resources you engaged with represent science talk as we see it envisioned in the NGSS classroom? Write your initial ideas down here before going round robin to share out. *
After hearing everyone contribute to science talk and NGSS, share one thing you heard that resonated with you. *
What questions do you still have about the role of science talk in your classroom or practice? Write it down here first, then have each person share their question. After each person shares, other participants respond with ideas or clarifying questions. *
Once you have finished your discussion, please submit this survey and then look at any previous responses. Share any noticings or wonderings with your group.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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