Interested in becoming a Neighborhood Ambassador in the Triad?
Our Neighborhood Ambassadors are independent contractors who live in or near the areas where we deliver. NA's deliver produce, provide excellent member service, and earn around $100 in just one day a week!

Job Requirements:
*You must be able to walk unassisted while carrying 20lbs
*Your vehicle on delivery day must be able to hold 15-20 boxes that are 19x13x8.
*Must be available in the early MORNING on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on the neighborhood you live in.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Cell Phone Number *
Email *
Do you currently use a smart phone? Our Neighborhood Ambassadors are required to use a delivery app and need a smart phone.
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You don't have to currently be a member, but are you? *
Do you currently work somewhere? *
Are you available one of the following mornings for 3-4 hours to deliver boxes? * *
Will you be at the same residence for the next 12 months? *
What kind of car do you drive, make and model? *
Is your car able to hold at least 20 boxes size 19x13x8? *
Our Neighborhood Ambassadors (NA's) are Independent Contractors and we require our NA's to carry certain levels of auto insurance. Does your current policy meet these requirements? $100,000 Bodily injury per person, $300,000 Bodily injury per accident, $100,000 Property Damage *
If you answered No, would you be willing to add the additional coverage to your policy?
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Do you have a clean driving record (No DWI convictions ever and no more than 6 points in the past 3 years)? We check Motor Vehicle Reports before completing the hiring process.
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Are there any limitations that will prevent you from walking unassisted while carrying 20 lbs? *
Give us a quick idea of your last two positions (Paid or volunteer) and what your responsibilities were. *
Explain what excellent customer service means to you. *
Rate your computer skills. 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. *
 Do you use social media? *
How did you hear about the Ambassador position? *
Would you like to be added to our email list? Including recipes, farmer info, special offers, current menu offerings, and more. *
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