2019 FLL Jump Start - Team Registration
FRC Torbotics 2080 is teaming up with FLL Bayou Builders 4043 to host our third annual FLL Jump Start Saturday, August 17th at Hammond High Magnet School.  This event will cater to both rookie and veteran teams with breakout sessions on programming, robot design and team development geared to the needs of each group.  We are also putting together a panel of professionals in the area of city planning, development and sustainability to help spark potential project research.

To attend, please fill out the registration form below.

At least one adult will need to attend with each team.  This adult can be the team's coach, mentor, interested parent, etc. All students must be accompanied by an adult to the robot design, programming and professional panel break out sessions.  During the last 30 minutes of the event, we will invite all teams to participate in a fun Core Values exchange focused on collaboration and working together.

There will be a Torbotics member assigned to each FLL team, who will be your team's guide throughout the duration of the event to address your logistic and navigation needs.  Several of our FRC team members started their FIRST journey in FLL and have also been involved in FTC.  They are a great resource to answer some of your questions from a student's perspective.

Tentative Event Schedule:
  9:45 am - 10:00 am   Team Arrival & Welcome
10:00 am - 10:50 am   First Breakout Session
                                              Choice A: Robot Design & Game Strategy (2nd year & veteran teams)
                                              Choice B: Beginning Programming (rookie teams)
11:00 am - 11:50 am   Second Breakout Session
                                              Choice A: Robot Design & Game Strategy (rookie teams)
                                              Choice B: Intermediate/Advanced Programming (2nd yr & veterans)
11:50 am - 12:30 pm   Lunch
12:30 pm -  1:30 pm    Project Development: Professional Panel
   1:30 pm -  2:00 pm   Team Core Values Exchange

Teams may elect to bring their own lunch or can participate in a bulk pizza order and delivery.  We will send out more information regarding lunch options as it gets closer to the event.

Students do not have to be registered in TIMS to attend.  However, each student participating will need to have a FIRST Consent and Release Agreement completed and signed by a guardian.  The completed forms should be turned in during registration once the team arrives to the event.  

If you have any questions as you are helping your team plan for this event, we invite you to email us at frcteam2080@gmail.com.
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FLL Team Name (or team # if you haven't chosen a name yet):
Team's Home Location (City):
Coach/Mentor's Name:
Email Address for Follow-Up:
Number of Students Who are Expected to Attend:
Are you a School-Based or a Community-Based team?
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What is your team's level of experience in FLL?
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In the spirit of collaboration, we will be working with a lot of different teams with different levels of experience from across the country in creating some of the content for our 2019 Jump Start.  Below, please let us know if you or your team members have any specific questions where you would like more guidance.
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