Griffin Dyeworks Class Proposal
Submission of a class proposal will not guarantee you are teaching a class.  This will depend on class scheduling and number of participants.  We will make all attempts to accommodate you.

This is not for a specific event -- after an event is scheduled we will contact you to see if you are available to teach a class. Hopefully having this online archive will make it quicker & easier to find teachers/classes and prevent anyone from having to submit the same class proposal several times a year!

Teachers receive a discount on event entry based on the # of hours they are scheduled to teach. Unstructured class teachers will be compensated with a gift certificate.
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Structured Class or Unstructured? *
Unstructured is a way of announcing "Hey, I'm prepared to show you X skill when we're both free!"
Class Title *
Class Description *
Please include details on any pre-requisites, required skills, or experience level of the class
Class Length
(If Structured)
Is this class Child Friendly?
Include any ages/skills needed, if adult is required, etc
When do you prefer to teach this class?
If this class is chosen for a specific event, we'll revisit this so it meshes with your schedule.
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Class Size - Maximum *
Choose the Max # of students you will teach
Class Size - Minimum
Choose the Minimum # of students you require to teach
Class Fee *
Please charge for materials only. Teacher receive a discount on event entry in lieu of payment.
Materials Provided in Class
Items you will provide for the students (either loan or permanent)
Materials the students should bring
Materials the Event staff should provide
Table? Chairs? Stoves?
What upcoming event is this class for (if it is for a specific event)?
Anything else you want to note or specify?
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
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