Date of Event (If unknown please skip to next question)
If the date of event is unknown or unconfirmed at this stage please indicate here with more information (i.e. a Saturday in June/July).
Your answer
Name of the Venue and Address including Postcode (House/Venue) or likely location.
Your answer
Is the event being held inside or outside?
Your answer
Start Time of Event (this can be approximate at this stage). *
Access Time for Set up At Venue/House (Again just a rough indication is required at this stage). If at a house can the set up be done the day before?
Your answer
Budget?(Is it £50.00, £100.00, £150.00, £200.00, £500.00, £1000+) This will help us direct you to the most appropriate options for your budget (we also offer balloon garlands and helium balloons for collection for example) *
Your answer
Please provide as much detail as possible with regards to what you are looking for including colours and provide us with any inspiration images that you may have in mind (you can email these to us at *
Your answer
What services are you interested in?
Please add any additional details about your event and what you are looking for here i.e it's a baby shower for your daughter and you are looking for a balloon backdrop in shades of cream and rose gold.
Your answer
I would like to subscribe to the "My Dream Party Shop" mailing list so that I don't miss out on any offers or news updates. *