2024 Advanced Oral History Summer Institute Application
The Oral History Center is offering an online version of our one-week advanced institute on the methodology, theory, and practice of oral history. This will take place from August 5-9, 2024 and will be held online. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Please email Shanna Farrell at sfarrell@library.berkeley.edu if you have any questions about the application.
Email *
Full Name *
Email Address *
Current Position or Job Title *
Affiliation (type "independent" if unaffiliated) *
What is your field of study or project topic?
What is your current or pending interest in oral history? *
Do you have a project that you are currently working on? *
If you are currently using oral history in your project, please describe the role that it is playing. *
What are the underlying research and historiographic questions that drive this project? (200 word max) *
Please list and briefly describe any experience you have had specifically related to oral history (e.g. field work in the social sciences, journalism, documentaries): *
What do you hope to get out of the week?
Institutions, Colleges Attended: *
Highest Degree Earned, Date: *
What time zone do you plan to be in during August 2024? *
How did you hear about us? *
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