Thanksgiving Hosting Registration
Spend Thursday, November 22, 2018 with an American Family! This is a great chance to celebrate a special holiday with a local family, and to join in on the family's activities and traditions. Come away having eaten a delicious meal, with new friends!

Registration deadline is November 14th.

Your host will contact you directly, a few days before Thanksgiving, to give you details about the day.

If you have any questions, please contact Christa:

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First Name *
Last Name *
English Name
(If different from first name)
Gender: *
Country you are from *
Best Phone Number: *
Email Address *
Address: *
Number of Adults (including you) *
Please list the names of Adults coming with you and their relationship to you (ex. spouse, friend, etc.), and their gender
Number of Children
Please list name of child & their age (ex: child #1, 2yrs.)
Do you have food restrictions?
(if yes, please explain)
Will you need transportation? *
Do you have any allergies to or fear of pets?
(if so, please explain)
Are you available to be with your host family all day? If not, please list the times you are available:
Would you be willing and able to do an overnight hosting?
Clear selection
Do you have a friendship partner? If so, what is their name?
Please briefly describe yourself (what are you doing in Pittsburgh, how long have you been here, etc.)
What university do you attend?
Is there anything else we should know?
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