McDowell Trojans Homecoming Online Raffle

Don't miss out on this year's Homecoming Raffle! Included in this raffle is a signed Cooper Cousin Game Jersey, 2 Stadium Chairs, (an $80 value) gift certificate for players/etc to attend Magorien's ATP Personal Training located at 5306 Heidler Rd. Fairview, PA, and a waterproof bluetooth wireless speaker for tailgating! Chances are just $10 each. Need not be present to win. Pick up can be scheduled! (Email us at

Online Raffle opens Aug 30th to Sept 26th! Winner will be announced during the Homecoming Game on Friday, Sept 27th and on our Facebook page!


Email *
#55 Cooper Cousin Game Jersey
Stadium Chairs
Margorien ATP Gift Certificate
Waterproof Bluetooth Portable Speaker
Name (First & Last) *
Phone Number (Optional- only used to contact the winner)
How many raffle tickets at $10 each would you like? *
Pay by PayPal! Just click the link, Don't forget to leave your name and # of tickets in the memo! *
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