Tell Us Your Ideas for the Tot Lot Renovation at Allendale Park
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1. On average, when children in your household visit the play area, how many children of each age range are in the group?
2. Why do children in your household not visit the play area more often?  (Select all that apply)
3. When children in your household visit the play area, what is their favorite activity? (Select one)
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4. If the existing center tree were to be removed, please choose what would be the most preferred? (Select one)
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5. What types of equipment do children in your household prefer?  (Select all that apply)
6. What colors do you think are most appropriate for the play area? (Select all that apply)
7. Please provide any additional comments related to play areas that you feel would help us in planning the new playground in your park.
Yes, I’m interested in attending any future meeting(s) about the new playground.
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