Module 3. Final test. Variant 3
Фамилия, Имя, Группа *
1. Выберите слово, близкое по значению данному
comparatively *
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to limit *
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influential *
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2. Выберите подходящее по форме и значению слово
Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them to share information and ___ power. *
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The restrictions allow computers inside the organization to exchange information but keep the information ___. *
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When one of the modems is given data to send, the modem ___ the data from the digital values used by computers into tones. *
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3. Поставьте слово, данное в скобках, в нужную форму, следуя правилам словообразования.
Essential to such programs is the ability of the system to generate grammatically correct sentences and to establish linkages between words, ideas, and (to associate) with other ideas. *
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The program (to count) in the CPU usually advances sequentially through the instructions. *
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These computer chips were called (to integrate) circuits (ICs) because they combined multiple electronic circuits on the same chip. *
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4. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу и значению словами
VoIP works by converting sound into a digital signal, which is then sent over a data network such as the Internet. The conversion ______ by a device, such as a personal computer (PC) or special VoIP phone, that has a high-speed, or broadband, Internet connection. *
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The digital signal is routed through the network to its destination, ______ a second VoIP device converts the signal back to sound. *
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Because of the digital nature of VoIP, call quality is normally much higher than _________ of a standard telephone. *
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Another advantage is that VoIP ______ costs less than standard telephone and long-distance service. *
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5. Выберите предложения, в которых слово, выделенное скобками, является союзом (союзным словом).
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6. Определите, верно ли, что данное предложение является сложноподчиненным предложением с бессоюзной связью.
Multiples of a bit are used to describe the largest-size piece of data a CPU can manipulate at one time. *
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An executable program is a sequence of extremely simple instructions known as machine code. *
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Instead, computer programmers write code in languages known as an assembly language or a high-level language. *
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7. Заполните пропуск в каждом из предложений в левой колонке союзом из правой.
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so that
These other languages are slower because the language must be translated first ___ the computer can understand it.
You couldn’t even decrypt a message that you yourself had just encrypted ___ you had the private, decryption key.
File sharing services let individuals swap music, movies, photos, and applications, ___ they do not violate copyright protections.
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These computer chips were called integrated circuits (ICs) ___ they combined multiple electronic circuits on the same chip.
Their translations are imperfect, ___ good enough to be understood.
Research has shown that ___ the logic of language structure submits to programming, the problem of meaning lies far deeper, in the direction of true AI.
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so that
___ part of the expected input data is missing or mistaken, they may give a bad answer or no answer at all.
One area of research, called visualization, is concerned with graphically presenting large amounts of data ___ people can comprehend its key properties.
Assembly language is fast and powerful ___ of its correspondence with machine language.
8. Напишите слово, которое заменяет выделенное скобками.
The most powerful mainframe computers, called supercomputers, process complex and time-consuming calculations, such as (those) used to create weather predictions. *
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Wide area networks (WANs) are (those) that span large geographical areas. *
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The technology is similar to (that) of the coaxial cable, except that the optical fibers can handle tens of thousands of conversations simultaneously. *
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9. Определите, верно ли переведен выделенный скобками фрагмент.
(While most computers still include) a floppy disk drive, the technology has been gradually phased out in favor of newer technologies. - В то время как большинство компьютеров уже не включают… *
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File sharing services let individuals swap music, movies, photos, and applications, (provided they do not violate copyright protections). - … при условии, что они не нарушают защиту авторских прав. *
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If any network or device malfunctions, protocols detect the failure and automatically find an alternative path for packets (in order to avoid the malfunction). - … для того чтобы избежать сбоев в работе. *
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10. Выберите правильный перевод выделенного скобками фрагмента.
(Therefore, transistors have replaced most) vacuum-tube amplifiers in light, portable electronic equipment. *
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(Because the dangers of radioactivity were unknown), she had been exposed during her career to massive doses of high-energy radiation. *
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Fermi was the first scientist to split an atom, (although he misinterpreted his results) for several years. *
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