Special Times is the PEM Early Childhood Family Education program. Classes are offered per semester in the PreK-3 Building in Plainview. ECFE offers classes for parents and their birth to 5 (preschool age and younger) children to come together to play and learn. It is a great way to meet other parents, try out games and activities, and get suggestions on a variety of topics built around parenting and early childhood development.
Each session meets for 13 weeks. Classes are held on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:30. A parent or guardian is required to attend with their child/children at any Early Childhood Family Education Class or event.
We also provide a “part time” option for those families who know they will not make it to all the classes. This option lets you come any 6 of the 13 times. Just fill in the spaces below to enroll and start a new family fun time!
An immunization record is required for each child in the ECFE Program. Please submit a copy by email to nbartsh@isd2899.k12.mn.us
, mail to PK-3 Elementary ATT: ECFE, or drop of at the PK-3 Office ATT: ECFE.