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Reimbursement Form
Reimbursement may be obtained for certain reasonable expenses incurred by a party of a youth being served by the Dallas County Child Protection and Permanency Court.
Please complete the form below and click Submit when finished.
This is a privilege offered for youth being served by the Court and must be approved by Judge Gonzales prior to completion.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Re-enter e-mail address
Your answer
Original Cause Number of the case (DF-xx-xxxxx format)
Your answer
Name of Person Requesting Reimbursement (first name and last name)
Your answer
Affiliation to the case
Your answer
Address to mail reimbursement check (street, city, state, zip)
Your answer
Your phone number if there are any questions
Your answer
Amount paid ($xx.xx format)
Your answer
Item purchased for reimbursement
Birth Certificate
State purpose of item purchased for reimbursement
Your answer
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