The Learning Pathways Project /// Interest Form
The Learning Pathways Project is a city-wide effort that aspires to help youth connect skills developed during out-of-school experiences to the pursuit of a college degree, career certificate, or entrepreneurial venture, and ultimately a livable wage.

To support the growth of the Learning Pathways Project, Big Thought is offering a 3 month program designed to help out-of-school educators identify and elevate skills youth develop during their programs.

If you would like to stay in touch, or are interested in learning more about future opportunities to participate in the Learning Pathways Project, please complete this brief form and someone will be in touch within a few weeks.

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What is your name? *
What is the name of the organization you're representing? *
Do you have a website? If so please share here.
What is your title within the organization? *
Please select your interest in the Learning Pathways Project. *
Please briefly explain your response. *
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
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