The Girls Rock Dude Crew- the best of men.

It's important for girls to see their dads, brothers, friends, and other men in the community playing a supportive role as they focus on building confidence and taking the stage.

"Girls Rock!" isn't just a saying, but a community-building force for good: music, mentorship and love. Our volunteers are EVERYTHING, so we invite you to join this little revolution with teeth.

Here's where we need ya:

******************* CAMP LOAD-IN *******************

SUNDAY, JULY 16 from 10am-6pm @ Allendale Equity & Justice Center

All hands on deck! Gear building, tuning, instrument prep, cleaning, decor and preparing all camp spaces for rock n' roll magic.

******************* CONCERT DAY CREW *******************

SATURDAY, JULY 22: Set-Up (10am-2pm) Break-down (8pm-11pm) @ Jannus Live

Major event set-up & build, roadie, guest check-in, auction, load-in and break-down.

BREAK DOWN is super helpful because our weeklong crew is EXHAUSTED and it's always hard to get folks to stay to the bitter end for break down and clean up.

**************** OTHER DUDE CREW NEEDS ***************

  • Concert Day PLANNING Committee
  • Fundraising & Silent Auction Crew
  • Street Team & Hype Team (flyers, posters, PR and marketing support)
  • Documentation Team
  • Merch Crew  

Heavy needs in JUNE & JULY, but also year-round, too! Got ideas on ways to support the mission? Hit us up.

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Email *
First and Last Name *
What are your gender pronouns? (i.e. she, he, they, ze, other, etc.) We ask for this information to respect and validate each persons identity, and to foster an inclusive culture.
How do you self-identify your race? We ask for this information to ensure our volunteer base reflects the diverse city in which we live. We are frequently asked to provide demographics for funding opportunities. *
Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
How did you hear about Girls Rock St. Pete? *
Girls Rock St. Pete has fun volunteer opportunities for people with specific skills and interests. Please click the link below to read the full descriptions for volunteer roles available to the Dude Crew. Or scroll below to sign up for specific roles/needs.
Please select all the volunteer positions you are interested in below.
I'm down to be on the STREET TEAM: Flexible hours during July 9 - 21, willingness to distribute flyers to local businesses and run errands if needed. Must know the town, generally speaking, live locally. *
SILENT AUCTION ITEMS: We are in need of unique experiences, tickets, restaurant and service gift cards, vacations, local products and more for our Not-So-Silent Auction. Please let us know if you have any items you could donate or if you're willing to conduct an ask on behalf of GRSP.
I'm down to be a ROADIE on Sunday, July 16 for our camp load-in at Allendale Church. Please check all times you are available. (tasks: unload moving truck, deliver equipment to classrooms, help set-up instruments, move existing church furniture, decorating camp spaces, crafting, some cleaning, sign-making/ hanging. Prepping the spaces for awesomeness.) *
I'm down to be a ROADIE on Friday, July 21 for camp break-down and load-out at Allendale. I'll check all the times below that I am available. (tasks: load moving truck, packing up music equipment and supplies, replacing furniture to original church locations, ensuring all spaces were left better than when we arrived. Light cleaning.) *
I'm down to be a ROADIE on concert day Saturday, July 22 at Jannus Live. I'll check all the times below that I am available. (Tasks: unloading instruments, setting up tables, chairs, tents, prepping the VIP section, merch, crafts, etc.) *** After the weeklong camp and concert, our very tired volunteer crew needs support breaking down and packing up. The 8:30-10:30 shift is a critical need for those that are available. *
I'm down for CONCERT support on Sat. July 22 from 4-9pm. I might be assigned at check-in, merch, art stations, runner, A/V support, silent auction, etc.) *
Describe any relevant experience or skills you are interested in contributing to the program. (Photographer, videographer, events, music or A/V, outgoing & loveable human, business connections, etc.)
We'll have rad Girls Rock St. Pete "DUDE CREW" shirts for sale at-cost for volunteers. ($10) If you'd like one to wear concert day, please select your unisex shirt size. *
Anything else you'd like to share?
Applicant Acknowledgements
All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age at the time of GRSP camp. Volunteers are representing Girls Rock St. Pete and their public activities must align with the mission, values and attitudes of the organization.  

Our volunteers are role models for our campers. GRSP has a zero tolerance policy for harassment (of any nature), bullying, hate speech, and discrimination.
Applicant Acknowledgements *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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