Totems, Talismans, Curios and Pharmacopoeias: A Brief Time-Travelling History of Curses, Conduits and Cures
Conducted by Zarina Muhammad
Date/Time: 12 July 2019, 7.00pm–8.30pm
Venue: 72-13, Home of TheatreWorks
Admission: $25 including materials and exhibition tour
Enquires: for ages 18 and above
What are the mythologies and contested histories of non-conforming bodies? How have the botanical and zoological been historically situated between the binaries of life and death, of magic and mayhem, of healing and killing, and of the demonised and desired? This workshop invites you to sift through ancestral knowledge, personal memory and public archives on healing and killing. Through the act of storytelling, ritual and gesture, you’ll get to revisit these cross-cultural narratives and make your own apotropaic texts in response to them.