Smarter Recycling Survey
This is a survey is for a class project called Smarter Recycling, where we are developing an app that refers to recycling through the use of sensors on a mobile. This survey should not take more than 10 minutes to fill out without compensation. We appreciate any and all answers! Thank you for taking the time to fill it out.
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What's your age in years (ex. 21 years) ? *
What gender do you identify as? *
How did you hear about this survey? *
What country are you from? (write it out fully please) *
Where does your main residency take place? *
From a scale from 1-5, how often do you WISH to recycle? *
From a scale from 1-5, how often do you ACTUALLY recycle? *
Every Day
How familiar are you with your local recycling firm and their guidelines? *
Select all that which of these items are recyclable: *
 What motivates you to recycle your items? *
If you want to explain further your reasonings or answer Other, fill out in the next section
If answered Other, please write it here:
What do you think limits your ability to recycle more?  *
If you want to explain further your reasonings or answer Other, fill out in the next section
If answered Other, please write it here:
If there was an app for recycling, what features would you want? (Select all that apply) *
Thank you!
Once you answer all the questions, please click Submit. Thank you again for completing this survey and have a good rest of your day.
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