Pinayista 2025 Program Survey

Help us bring back Pinayista in 2025 to best serve all you amazing Pinay entrepreneurs and business owners!

We can't do it without you, so we hope that you will take some time to let us know what you want to see in future programming as we continue to reshape and build our Pinayista programming.

We are looking for voices from any self-identified Pinay entrepreneur at every stage of their business/hustle: Seed (looking to start/launch), Blooming (1-5 years in, starting to grow), and Rooted (5+ years and working on scale).

Thanks for your input!

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
How do you identify? *
Do you identify as part of the following entrepreneur/business communities? Select all that apply.
How old are you?
What industry is your Hustle(s)? Check all that you identify with. *
Which Business/Hustle stage do you identify with? *
What is the name of your business/hustle? *
Your Website / Company / Social Handle *
What was your business/hustle's annual gross revenue for the previous calendar year?
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In which zip code is your business/hustle headquartered?
Including yourself, how many employees does your business employ?
What best describes the primary focus of your business in 2025?
What business challenges do you predict for 2025? (Select your top 3)
#1 Challenge
#2 Challenge
#3 Challenge
Getting new customers
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Natural disasters
Supply chain issues
Funding/Finding Investors
Clear selection
Think about your hustle and years of experience. What kind of support do you need to be successful as an entrepreneur/community leader/etc? 

Specifically, how can Pinayista support your success?
What Pinayista events/programs/resources have been helpful for you so far and why?
Dream With Us: What kind of events/programs/resources would you like to see Pinayista do? (Crazy, big picture ideas and dreams welcome here!)
Anything else you want to share with us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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