Parents Feedback Form(Session 2022-23)

Dear Parents,

St. Bede's College was established in the year 1904. The college aims at the overall development of the student through various disciplines. This form has been designed to seek feedback from you to strengthen the quality of teaching-learning environment in the college and to assess and improve the academic, non-academic and infrastructure facilities. The information provided by you will be kept confidential.

Email *
Name of the Parent *
Designation *

Your Children's Name 


Course of the ward 


You are requested to select appropriate option for the following points


Admission Procedure 


Co-operation by the administrative staff 


The ambience of the college with respect to the facilities given to your ward/wards


Rate the college in terms of use of the latest technologies 


Rate the quality of teaching in the college 

Improvement in soft skills, knowledge, ethics, morality, observed by you in your ward while studying in the college

Student counselling and guidance 

Environment of the college for the overall development of your word

You are requested to select appropriate option for the following points

1 - Strongly Disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Neutral  4 - Agree 5 - Strongly Agree

The Teachers are accessible and approachable for all matters of concern 

The college provides adequate sports facilities and encourages students to participate in extra co-curricular activities.

Suggestions , if any

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